Cultural and creative industries (CCIs) play an important role in fostering economic growth, job creation and innovation. CCI4TOURISM project fixed a clear and ambitious objective: making CCIs key players of the tourism sector and a distinctive factor of growth in the AI macro-region.
To achieve this goal new, unconventional approaches to tourism management strategies are needed, where disruptive mind thinking matters.
We want to dedicate the best of our business support services for the success of the CCI sector, hardly working on entrepreneurial discovery and talent mobilization, empowerment of entrepreneurial skills and hybridization between cultural, creative and tourist businesses, for the creation of new companies and for the design of new products and services.
Partnership launched the Transnational Call for cultural and creative Ideas for sustainable tourism in early 2021 and collected ideas solving challenges of how the companies in the field of CCI could contribute to an innovative tourism product and services and the formulation of a new strategy for sustainable tourism.
In this booklet we present the 27 selected best ideas within the partnership to promote them and give examples and inspirations for sustainable tourism development. Ideas connect local communities, local knowledge and creativity to give visitors different, authentic experience of places visited.
You can meet all the creatives and their sustainable tourism ideas here: Best CCI Ideas booklet EN web.